Health & Wellness
Mon/Thur/Sat/Sun at Rejuvenation Massage & Wellness in Lincoln City | Tue/Fri online over Zoom
Connect with me if you can't find a time that works well for you.
My name is Sarah and I am fully initiated as a Shamanic Healer, Paq’o Pampamesayoq and Mesa Medicine Carrier in the lineage of the Q’ero Paq’os (Shamans) in the Andes mountains of Peru. I offer online and in-person healing sessions, energy cleansings, home/business & land cleansings and blessings, death and dying support, rites of passage, ceremony and healing circles. I work with humans who are committed to beginning or deepening their personal healing journey and who are ready to invite transformation into their lives.
Shamanic healing is a portal to deeply connect with yourself. As you release what no longer serves you, you build a strong foundation for your authentic self to shine. You get to meet yourself again! Your life takes on deeper meaning as you awaken to the beauty within. As we work together you will learn how to build upon these foundations in symbolic and meaningful ways to enliven each and every moment of your life. This journey of self discovery is what you came here to do!
Online sessions are held over Zoom / In Person sessions and Women's Healing Circle are offered at Rejuvenation Massage & Wellness in Lincoln City.
Personalized individual or group ceremonies are offered at the beach or on the land.
I look forward to working with you!